Ariel Avissar
Ariel Avissar
TV Dictionary
Once Upon a Screen
Better Call Saul
Groundhog Day
A Serious Man
Game of Thrones
Odds and ends
In Hebrew
Indy Vinyl
Mashup of the Afternoon
What is neo-Snyderism?
The Typewriter (Supercut)
Once Upon a Screen: Lord of the Flies
Once Upon a Screen - The 39 Shots
The Extensions of Mad Men
The Asylum
Supermoon (Supercut)
Complex Combinations
Wicked Seams
Under the Sea
TV Dictionary - Seinfeld
TV Dictionary - BoJack Horseman
TV Dictionary - WandaVision
TV Dictionary - The Wire
TV Dictionary - Mad Men
TV Dictionary - Severance
TV Dictionary - Battlestar Galactica
TV Dictionary - Lost
TV Dictionary - Dexter
TV Dictionary - Breaking Bad
TV Dictionary - Better Call Saul
TV Dictionary - Better Call Saul (#2)
TV Dictionary - Flow
TV Dictionary - The Prisoner
TV Dictionary - Fargo
TV Dictionary - Show
TV Dictionary - All in the Family
TV Dictionary - The 100th Episode Special
TV Dictionary - the leftovers
Once Upon a Screen (teaser trailer)
Once Upon a Screen: Lord of the Flies
Once Upon a Screen vol. 2 (teaser trailer)
Once Upon a Screen: The 39 Shots
Once Upon a Screen: Mirror, Mirror
The Typewriter (Supercut)
Supermoon (Supercut)
What I Know (Supercut)
The Silence of The Silence of the Lambs
Clever, Careful Fingers
Marvel Hungry (Supercut)
Marvel Thirsty (Supercut)
Wicked Seams
The Extensions of Mad Men
The Asylum
How to Make a Videographic Epigraph?
Complex Combinations
Screen Stars Dictionary - Tom Cruise
Eternal (Re)Pause
Violent Ends
Born From the Sea
Letter From an Unknown Groundhog
Regarding the Pain of Wildlings
On Parables
That Blazing Sun (Found in Transition exercise)
Mashup of the Afternoon
Driving Away
Born From the Sea
I’m Not There
The Dead Come Back
Better Call Saul - “Uno”: Script to Screen
Confessions of a Dangerous Groundhog
Game of Thrones & Pan’s Labyrinth
A Serious Man & Arrival
The Matrix / Tenet mashup trailer
Neo-Snyderism v. Neorealism
Supermoon - side by side spatial deformation
My Name Is
The Matrix / Tenet (mashup trailer)
Chasing Amy Dunne
Tell Me Everything You Saw (Rear Psycho, part 1)
A Man Should Have a Hobby (Rear Psycho, part 2)
I Can’t Sleep Nights (New York / New York, part 1)
I Don’t Wanna Be Angry (New York / New York, part 2)
Parallax / Kennedy (part 1)
Parallax / Kennedy (part 2)
Barry for You
Hank and Marie watch “Focusing on Hank (and Marie)”
Better Call Saul - Walterworks
Casino Royale / Mad Men (mashup)
A Very Strange Young Man (Payne’s Constraint)
Paradiso Perduto (Grant's Constraint)
I Know What I’m Doing (Payne’s Constraint)
Better Call Saul - Pecha Kucha
Better Call Kim - Pecha Kucha
TV Dictionary - Better Call Saul
TV Dictionary - Better Call Saul (#2)
Better Call Saul - “Uno”: Script to Screen
Better Call Saul - Walterworks
Letter From an Unknown Groundhog
Confessions of a Dangerous Groundhog
Groundhog Day - Ned Ryerson Supercut
Groundhog Day - Pecha Kucha
On Parables
A Serious Man & Arrival
A Serious Man - Supercut
A Serious Man - Pecha Kucha
Regarding the Pain of Wildlings
Game of Thrones ep. 5.06 & Pan’s Labyrinth
Game of Thrones ep. 5.01 - Narrations
Game of Thrones ep. 4.08 - Supercut
Game of Thrones ep. 3.09 - Pecha Kucha
House MD - desktop exercise
The Wrestler - Random vignette
Two Kinds of People (The Most Dangerous Game)
Chatbot for You
An Increasingly Heated & Snarky Dialogue - Hands-on(ly) version
I’m Working
Some Thoughts Occasioned by Four Desktops
על טלוויזיה וזקנה (גרסה א’)
על טלוויזיה וזקנה (גרסה ב’)
Indy Vinyl for the Masses: Lollipop
Indy Vinyl for the Masses: Mr. Sandman
Indy Vinyl for the Masses: Don’t You (Forget Abut Me)